All posts in " Democrats "

A Comprehensive Guide to The Jussie Smollett Hate Crime Hoax

By Daily Viper / March 24, 2019

It seems like the Jussie Smollett saga may finally be coming to an end. On March 8, a grand jury indicted the actor on 16 felony counts for disorderly conduct for allegedly lying to the police after staging a fake homophobic and racist attack in the middle of the night of January 29 in Chicago. […]


All Eyes on Michael Cohen

By Daily Viper / February 27, 2019

Whoa, today was a crazy, loaded day! And not just because Joe Rogan had Alex Jones back on his podcast for almost 5 hours. But because today the whole country was subjected to watching Michael Cohen’s testimony before the House Oversight Committee. I watched the whole thing and I must admit, I was very tempted […]


Democrats Officially Support Infanticide

By Daily Viper / February 25, 2019

I was going to write about the Oscars today, but after I learned the outcome of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, I absolutely must include this as the scandal of the day.  I would say this actually qualifies as the most gruesome, disgusting, ghoulish story I have heard in a long time. Today, the […]


Are You an Individualist or a Collectivist? Democrats and the “Liberal” Lie

By Daily Viper / February 28, 2018

These people are not Liberals. We should call them by their real name, Leftist Collectivist Communists. And they are evil. For a while now, I haven’t called Democrats liberals because lets face the facts. These people are not liberal in the actual sense of the word LIBERAL. They are not classical liberals. They don’t espouse the principles […]