All posts in "Culture"

The Evils of the Born This Way Philosophy

By Daily Viper / August 14, 2018

Let’s talk about mental health. Last weekend, the news broke that Rick Genest, also known as Zombie Boy, passed away at the age of 32. At the time, there was no official report as to what happened and how he died. However, Lady Gaga took it to Twitter to (supposedly) shed light on the event while […]


Why Do We Keep Devaluing Life?

By Daily Viper / April 2, 2018

I’ve been thinking a lot about the inherent value of life. In part due to events happening in my personal life and in part due to things that I see happening in our society on an everyday basis. I am not going to focus this post on abortion but I will use it as my […]


When Did Liking America Become Synonymous to ‘Brainwashed’?

By Daily Viper / February 28, 2018

In 2017, I had two experiences that keep bothering me. These days, the idea that you like or, dare I say, love America has become so controversial and so ineffable that It’s getting ridiculous. I’ll recount my experiences and then I’ll provide my point of confusion. Last year, at dinner, a relative’s girlfriend asked me why […]


How Germany’s Bauhaus Destroyed Beauty, Architecture, and Design

By Daily Viper / February 28, 2018

To use the popular leftist hashtag, #notall things that come from Germany are bad, but you can count that if it originates from Germany, there is a very high chance that it’s going to suck and it’s going to be destructive in some way. That is why I wanted to talk about Bauhaus. In addition to […]

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