Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Benjamin Franklin
WARNING: If you are a neurotic bitch wearing a mask like a fucking moron, I will mock you. And I will relentlessly mock your special flu. I will keep mocking your special flu even if grandma is in the hospital coughing up with crown spikes floating around her lungs. You need to fucking toughen up. So if you can’t take that, coupled with a little profanity, and you think you might succumb to a neurotic tantrum, get the fuck out of here, jerk yourself off to oblivion, and put that hoarded toilet paper to use. If you think there’s still some hope for saving your nutsack from complete disintegration, then keep on reading.
In short (Yes, that’s all you need, a short summary of it, you’re not going for a fucking PhD here, you’ll be the same old loser after this shit is over) coronavirus is not new. COVID-19 is the third identified coronavirus strain after SARS in 2003 and MERS in 2012. It’s a respiratory illness named after the spikes/crowns that surround their surface, thus corona. People have been contracting and recovering from that shit everyday. The SARS and MERS death rates are higher. Voila, there you have it. Now all the newfound epidemiologist keyboard warriors shut the fuck up, pull your big boy pants up from around your ankles, and stop being scared like a special dainty princess. Your ancestors had their legs amputated in world wars and you are sitting here screeching like pathetic little bitches about a fucking flu. Oh, yes, I know, I know, “It’s not a flu, it’s the special flu, it’s more dangerous, it’s more deadly, it spreads easier and faster, our immunity, you’re ignorant waaaaa!!!” It’s still a fucking flu, and this special fucking flu is not going to magically disappear the second the media tells you it’s finally okay to go back to taking a shit and not washing your hands.
“B-b-b-ut this is not a time to be pointing fingers! We shouldn’t blame anybody, we should just curl up on the couch, spray ourselves with bleach, and monitor the numbers, waaaaa!” Yes, we CAN point fingers and we CAN blame the culprit and we SHOULD blame the culprit. The culprit is China and it always will be China. It started in China, just like SARS. They knew they were having an outbreak last year. They didn’t take care of it. They denied help when they were offered help. They didn’t close off their airports and they let it spread around the world. They imprisoned thousands of people who were trying to warn the rest of the world and raise awareness about the outbreak. They imprisoned thousands of people who dared say a word about it. It is, in fact, THEIR fucking fault. And it is, in fact, a Chinese virus. And if you truly think the numbers China is trotting out are real, you are fucking retarded.
Here’s some food for thought. Wuhan’s Institute of Virology is home to China’s only Level 4 microbiology lab that is equipped to handle deadly coronaviruses. It’s also very interesting to note that China’s Ministry of Science and Technology released a directive back in February titled: “Instructions on strengthening biosecurity management in microbiology labs that handle advanced viruses like the novel coronavirus.” Just saying.
As of today, March 29, there are around 720,000 TOTAL cases. Out of those, if we believe these numbers, 150,000 have completely recovered and 500,000 are in mild condition. As of today, we have around 33,000 deaths.
There’s a WHOLE BUNCH of people who have the special flu right now that are not counted in the 720,000 being reported. A WHOLE FUCKING BUNCH. They have it and either stay at home and treat it like a regular flu or can’t even feel that they are sick. These people will never become part of the statistic but if they were, the death rate would officially become significantly lower. So calm your tits about that death rate. There’s close to 8 billion people on the planet. You will be fucking fine.
Some fucking loser from The Washington Post decided to put a random person on Twitter on blast because he dared express his opinion in a tweet. He dared utter the unheard of opinion that the economy and the future are more important in this situation. So the dipshit cuck from The Washington Post decided to put this random dude on blast AND…call his parents. What a fucking loser. “Hey, look, mom and dad, look what your son thinks, he doesn’t care about you!” You have got to be the most pathetic dweeb on the planet if you think this is some sort of a “I owned him.” strategy. So you’re telling mom and dad, huh, fuckface? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe mom and dad have a functioning brain, unlike yourself? Which brings me to my point.
We all got skin in the game. Surprise! We all have older relatives, parents, maybe sick parents, so it’s not a revelation to us when someone tells us “Well, you know, it might happen to YOUR grandma!!!” Hey, wise guy, you don’t fucking say! I HAVE sick relatives with chronic illnesses, compromised immune systems, and battling cancer, and I also have old relatives. That doesn’t make me special. And it doesn’t make you special. From my experience, these people are warriors. EVERYDAY warriors. Unlike you. These people know the risks they face EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY of their existence, you fucking moron. You think this is some sort of a special time for people with chronic illness because it’s a special time for you? They know how to handle this shit. Just because at some point the special flu is gonna die out that doesn’t mean that demographic is no longer threatened for being weak and vulnerable. Yet, they’re not spiraling out of fear like you are, you creepy fuck. Don’t pretend like all of a sudden you know how much we have to do to protect others. You are afraid for your own pathetic measly ass.
We all got skin in the game, so don’t think you’re so fucking special when this dawns on you or try to pull some profound shit like “Well, I hope your grandma dies, then you’ll learn your lesson, you’ll see what kind of an ignoramus you are, you deserve it, I’m gonna call her, waaaa.” Bitch, face it, no one gives a shit about your hopes and dreams.
Here’s something that may be insensitive, but it is nevertheless true. The death toll from this virus is not a tragedy worthy of an international crisis. 80+ year old patients ridden with chronic disease, cancer, heart surgeries, organ failures etc. dying from the flu is not a tragedy. Nobody is talking about neglecting the elderly, but guess what happens when you’re well into your 80s? You die. And you die from all kinds of shit. It’s not just the flu, or the SPeCiAL flu. You die from the common cold, you die when you get off your bed in the morning and you trip, you get a stroke, you choke on food, you slip in the shower, you die in your sleep, prescribed medications cause adverse reactions, or maybe you die from another type of coronavirus. All of these things happen. You’re fucking 80. You’ve gone well beyond today’s life expectancy and you are at risk AT ALL TIMES. Dying from the pulmonary flu is not a national crisis. It is a personal tragedy that affects the immediate family. That happens every time someone’s grandma dies. The special flu probably took several days, months, or maybe even a couple of years off of grandma’s life, but that is all in the realm of personal tragedy.
This is not a world tragedy that should lead to a complete and total international crisis, an economic freeze, and martial law. The world is treating this thing as if we’re witnessing a bunch of 20-year-olds rotting and vanishing at the touch of sunlight. “B-b-b-ut this is the special kind of flu, and you don’t see it, and it’s not just grandma, and waaaaaa, and WhAt ARE YoUr SoUrCeeeeeS, I hAVe to rUb mORe gEl on mY HaAnDSSS!!!” Dude, yes, it’s not just grandma, there’s a bunch of people dying from the flu, common cold, viruses, and infections who are not grandma. There’s a certain percentage of children who die from the common cold every fucking day and this is the reality you live in at all times, not just now. Now calm the fuck down and go grab a steak. Your testicles are up your ass.
Yes, we CAN make comparisons. This chick recently screeched “B-b-b-b-but you can’t compare the two! This one is dangerous, the death rates, it’s not the swine, waaaa!” Just like your messiah said 10 years ago YES, YOU FUCKING CAN. Back in 2009-2010, 61 MILLION Americans got infected with the swine flu, including myself and a whole bunch of people I know. It was a bad flu and we got through it. Symptoms included respiratory difficulties, followed by viral pneumonia. 61 MILLION Americans. That is 61 MILLION more than what we have now worldwide with this bullshit. It was a true epidemic, and guess what. Nothing collapsed, economies kept going, people went to work, kids went to school, the media didn’t create a hysteria, it kept it cool. Why? Because the media has the power to control crises AND manufactured crises. Whoever got sick, got sick, and whoever died from it because they were old and/or had preexisting conditions died from it. By the end of this circus, we’re probably going to have several million people around the world who’ve had the corona and that’s going to be significantly less than an ordinary flu season. (Yes, I KNOW it is not literally a regular flu, calm the fuck down) By that time, you would have given up your rights to fart without registering your asshole and its diameter with your local government. Not to mention the probability of grandma still being around is extraordinarily high.
Same as yours. I’ve read all the resources and articles that you have. Surprise! I’m on the same fucking internet and listen to the same fucking shit as you do. The only difference is when you read and listen to these sources, your takeaway is FEAR. When I do that, my takeaway is TOUGHEN UP. Not TOUGHEN UP because the virus is going to get you but TOUGHEN UP because today’s generation, my generation, is comprised of a bunch of skill-less, ball-less, weak cowards who can’t do jack shit to save their fucking lives, and freak out about manufactured crises. This is NOT a real crisis. What the fuck is going to happen when an actual real crisis happens, huh? This is why less than 1% of the population goes to combat. Because the rest can’t figure out how to change a fucking light bulb, boil an egg, and need directions on how to most effectively roll a toilet paper square between their fingers, in order to reach all the nooks and crannies of their ass. My source is my common sense, you fucking moron, your sources are people who not only think but KNOW that fear is the most precious commodity to have.
Not as much as Europe, of course. My next paragraph is about Europe, so we’re going to see an extra level of bitching soon. But I live in the city and city schmucks are so eager to give up their freedoms, it is unbearable to watch. Every time we get a new stay-at-home order or something of the sort, more psychosis ensues, even though stay-at-home orders allow you to go for a walk with your family, or jog and exercise as you normally would. Thank God for Federalism, thank God that whatever shit is being passed is on a local level and however flawed the system has become, the Federal Government can’t just declare martial law at the whim of a fucking flu. Be grateful that you can go out for a run or yoga at the park. Be grateful that you live in a country where you can’t be forced with house arrest because of the sniffles and you can go for a walk with your family.
Do NOT give up your freedoms for the feigned feeling of safety!
Calm the fuck down, butthurt Europeans, and at least try to listen. It seems like every time someone criticizes your haven, you spring out of your seat as if the dildo in your ass suddenly malfunctioned and you start quacking like a bunch of butthurt chickens. Are you trying to convince yourselves that you got balls or what? Because you’re not convincing anybody else. If you can’t take it, then show us how cowardly you are and click off the page.
Europeans are giving up the few freedoms they had left. Europe is a tyrannical, overly-centralized shithole and people are compliant with everything thrown their way, and that happens on any day that ends in a Y. But now, they are happy and grateful because these new restrictions will “save” them from the special flu and because it’s about “temporary restrictions.” Right, guys? All because of the special sniffles. If you think that the corona virus is enough of a reason for the government to strip you from the basic freedoms that were not GIVEN to you by them but you have by default, you are fucking retarded. Do you think having a complete lockdown is the right thing to do? For you not to be able to move around or to go outside, to be asked where you’re going if you happen to have to go outside, what route you’re taking to walk your dog? How about not being able to go into your own backyard? Your own backyard. YOUR OWN FUCKING PROPERTY! Is that normal? Because of the sniffles? This doesn’t bother you at all? You don’t see this as absolutely, completely, and utterly wrong? Well, according to some Europeans, this is good, there should be control, otherwise we won’t be saved from the sniffles, duh. Thus, no backlash at all.
Are you fucking blind, drugged, poisoned, programmed, groomed to be fucked on call? What the fuck is wrong with you? You have police blocking you from leaving your cities? I know you’re reading this thinking, “Oh yeah, it’ll save us, that’s good, you don’t know what you’re talking about, it’s about saving grandma, idiot.” Are you out of your fucking mind? I’m no conspiracy theorist, but there’s got to be an explanation for that behavior. Is it something in the fucking water, are you being sedated somehow, is it the lack of red meat in your diet, is it low testosterone levels, did skinny jeans tear up your balls, is it fear of the Germans, is it because you’re used to being ruled by a monarch? There’s got to be something. Why and how the fuck have you become such utterly retarded morons? How could you be ok knowing that the police can block your roads at a whim because of the flu? “IT’S NOT THE FLU! YOU DON’T GET IT!” Shut the fuck up, the principle still stands with the SPECIAL flu and any other illness. If it’s such a good strategy, where are the results to fucking prove it?
You are so easily welcoming all these new laws and decrees, you are welcoming nationalizations of businesses, government takeovers, mandatory curfews and lockdowns, martial law, thousands of euros in violation fees, special permits to leave your city, being monitored in the name of stopping a virus… All of this AND MORE and you are welcoming it so fucking easily, I really wonder how easily it will be for your governments to roll back all of that once this is supposedly over. Governments must be having a blast looking at you down there scared like fucking rabbits in your tiny holes. Even if they roll some of it back, it will be so fucking easy to mind control you into the next big craze and panic and then the next one and the next one until you find yourself living in an outright open dictatorship. All in the name of saving you from the sniffles. I cannot believe how you could be so eager to have your life, the same one they claim to be “saving”, taken away and your basic natural freedoms gone out the window. You’ve gotten to the point that if this post, my fucking opinion gets published, who knows, I might be jailed for writing my fucking OPINION on the matter under the pretense that it is disinformation on the precious corona, or hate speech, or fake speech, or whatever your little clown definitions of OPINION are. And my opinion is you are a doomed shithole, and you were the ones who made it so. You’ve made your bed, now lie in it. “Let’s drain the ocean so we can take out the trash!” That’s how retarded you sound.
The biggest problem, however, is YOU DON’T SEE IT because for you this seems normal. This is the status quo. “B-b-b-b-but nooo, we’re free, it’s not a tyrannical shithole, peace and love, and save me from the sniffles waaa.” Sure, sweetheart, nothing says freedom like “I gotta have a dog to have an excuse to go outside, but not too far from home.” or “I have to tell the guy with the gun where I’m going and if I’m not going someplace approved, I might get arrested.” Nothing says freedom and not a tyrannical shithole quite like these very real current scenarios. And you don’t see anything wrong with this. THIS is the tragedy. This is the scariest virus out there.
I got a message from a friend in Europe the other day who lives under lockdown right now and they were like “Yeah, it’s like prison but that’s good, we gotta have that control.” Like what the actual fuck did your brain just come up with. Are you fucking insane to not see how asinine this is and to not realize you are being under a mandatory government lockdown because a laughable number of people got sick. Do you really think this lockdown and all that is because of the fucking sPeCIal flu?
And when I say you are under dictatorship, you all laugh and act all smug like “This rube has no idea what they are talking about lol.” What do you expect a tyranny to look like, shitface? Every tyranny comes and stays under the pretense of benevolence. Every. Single. One. We’re looking after your healthcare, now take your rations. We’re looking after your safety, now lock your door and don’t move, or I’ll throw you in a jail cell. We’re looking after your children, now here’s how you raise them. You already had the laws in the books that allowed your governments to declare martial law due to the flu season. You already had the laws in the books that allowed for governments to redefine a fucking opinion to mean disinformation. You already had the laws in the books that allowed for government officials to act like machete-wielding royalty. And you stretched your butt cheeks and took it in deep. Do you understand that if governments can weaponize the flu season, they can weaponize anything under the pretense of safety? But you will take it in again and again under the assumption that someone is helping you. You know what, I say we microchip each and every one of you at birth in order to monitor the state of your health, information sent directly to the government. Let them decide what course of action and lockdown is best for you then. Let’s do this for the good of the people! Your government knows best Goddamn it! And you’ll buy it. You will fucking buy it.
And I know, I KNOW what your reaction is when you read this, I used to think JUST LIKE YOU. If you don’t open up your eyes at some point, then you deserve what’s coming to you. Including those rationed treatments you are experiencing right now with your SUPERIOR healthcare. Do you not see the shitstorm when the doctor is telling you to NOT go see her if you are sick? The doctor will treat you over the phone? “B-b-b-ut if I see the doctor when I’m sick, it will spread the virus!!!” Keep telling yourself you’re the ones who care about people’s health and safety. You’re just a mob of insufferable gargoyles.
I’m not going to make this shit about politics, but I am a conservative in bad times and in good times. And unlike other so-called conservatives who flipped and are now regurgitating panic narratives about the economy and the future, my mockery was the same in the beginning and it will remain the same until the end.
When this whole thing started unraveling, I saw people whom I normally respect spiral into an insufferable fear urging everything to shut down and mandate a lockdown. I thought to myself “You have got to be fucking kidding me.” And now, I see clowns like Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh (whom I normally like) start panicking that (For the fucking poindexters out there, I’m just rephrasing his bitching, it’s not a direct quote) “Oh no, we can’t allow the economy to tank this way, we can’t allow this to happen, we can’t allow Great Depression unemployment rates, oh no, we can’t allow martial law or the DOJ detaining people indefinitely during emergencies, we can’t let this happen, waaaaa!” Guess what, fuckhead, you were the one whining like a little cunt several weeks ago “Shut it all down, shut it down, oh my God, this virus is gonna kill us. It’s super special, look at it, it’s spreading, just look at iiiiittttt!!!!!!” There you go, Matty, you got your fucking shutdown, you got what you wanted, now what are you crying about? You seriously didn’t see this coming, huh? I see you there, conservative talking heads. I see you flip very clearly. You’re slowly, gradually, carefully shifting, trying to avoid conflict and shame from the gargoyle mob. Cowards. You either knew from the very beginning that this was an intentional scare OR you were legitimately scared and NOW you are starting to see it. Either way, it’s pathetic.
In countries around the world and Europe, planned surgeries and regularly scheduled treatments are cancelled or postponed. Medications are being suspended. Blood drives are closed. Countries are starting to talk about a possible food coupon rationing system due to the consequences of this charade. Hospitals are being quarantined for the corona sick only. “Get out of here, shithead. We’re waiting for sick people. Your dialysis can wait.” That is the number we’ll never hear about. The number of chronic patients and other sick people whose treatments were halted, those who needed surgeries and were told to wait, those who were thrown to the curb. “Oh, you’re just making shit up. You’re such an idiot.” Keep telling yourself that and keep believing your ration-based healthcare is the most superior in the world. It’s on you. It’ll also be on you when you get swaths of unemployed, debt-ridden people who can’t pay their bills and put food on their table because the world decided to make a shitstorm out of a flu strain. You are letting this destroy your lives before the virus can.
Have you heard ANYBODY talk about all the surgeries that got cancelled around Europe because of the fucking flu. “That’s not true!!! Only non-urgent surgeries are postponed, waaa”! You motherfucking idiot, some cancer surgeries are considered non-urgent. Guess what fucking happens when you wait? It gets fucking worse. We’re talking necessary planned surgeries, cancer patients, dialysis patients, all of these patients whose medications are discontinued, everything that has been put on halt. All of them waiting for the motherfucking flu season to be over so that doctors can actually take care of them if that happens at all. No, we are being preoccupied by the spiky flu, with its horrendous 99% survival rate. But keep praising your amazing healthcare system, it is truly fantastic.
In terms of healthcare consequences, the United States is not going to be terribly impacted because we don’t normally rely on rationing our healthcare, that is why we don’t hear about this in the media. The only thing we hear about is the economic impact, which will be devastating. Europe, however, will be severely impacted from a healthcare standpoint. When I say severely, I mean severely. Nobody is considering the fact that since all the pyramid healthcare resources of European countries are going into the corona situation, AND everybody else is put on the back burner right now, once this circus is over, these healthcare funds are going to be completely depleted and all those people put on the back burner who’ve managed to survive after being neglected are still going to be the recipients of measly rations, waiting periods, delayed surgeries, and delayed treatments. A LOT of people will die as a direct result of the special flu hysteria and atrocious decisions made by their governments. A lot. People who are sick, chronically sick, the same people that YOU CLAIM TO BE TRYING TO SAVE are being currently left out and will be left without care, even though they’ve paid into the system, they’ve paid their dues into the pyramid scheme. Why? Because you are obsessing over the fucking pulmonary flu.
When talking heads, and I’ll go back to Matt Walsh, say things like “I don’t have a solution. I don’t know what to do. Noone knows what to do. I just know I don’t want people to die and I don’t want the economy to collapse and for people to be destitute.” or whatever he tweeted, that’s just rephrasing, you poindexter. Well, Matty, and everyone else like him, what you just said was one big NOTHING, you just virtue signaled about how good of a person you are and how you care. But you are afraid to actually provide the solution. You are afraid to say “We need to go back to normal.”
No, we shouldn’t have shut everything down, no, we shouldn’t have pressed pause on businesses, no, we shouldn’t have frozen the world economy. The recession was long overdue but we shouldn’t have caused this debacle because of a virus. We should have treated this like every other normal new virus strain, lived our lives like normal human beings, and once we got a shot for it, add it to the seasonal flu shot. Like we did with fucking H1N1 and every other new strain, you moron. Instead, you’re treating it as if we have the Plague 2.0 here and we’re dealing with 99% death rate instead of 99% survival rate. Now millions of people are stripped from their savings, retirement funds, current jobs, potential future jobs, and much more. Stocks are tanking, businesses are tanking, livelihoods are tanking, future opportunities are tanking. We are all witnessing millions and millions of people being affected by the “cure” and this number is only going to increase. All because grandma got sick at 85 and she had 80% chance of survival. Now reap what you sow.
Jails released THOUSANDS of prisoners due to fears of the coronavirus. Thousands. But sure, we’re not going to hear or see what these prisoners go on to do after they’ve been released because of the flu scare. New Jersey is releasing 1,000 inmates from their jails in an attempt to curb the virus. Please use your cognitive abilities. How in the actual fuck do you think this will end? What in the actual fuck goes on in your mind when you assume that releasing criminals maximizes the safety of the community instead of minimizing it. Oh, yes, yes, we don’t want crowding in prisons and jails. This is retarted. Police in cities across the country are joining in an effort to stop arresting people for nonviolent crimes, so that they don’t overcrowd the jails. We are still talking about the dangers of a pulmonary illness and you are out of your mind if you think this is a good idea. All of this WILL have dire consequences for the communities and I don’t want anyone who cheered for these decisions to cry over the consequences. Release the felons, arrest the joggers, YAY!
The Bubonic Plague (Black Death) is still around. Madagascar even has a plague season (September – April) every year. If untreated, you will most certainly die. Now start monitoring that like a fucking lunatic. Actually, you’d be better off if you start monitoring the rampant uptick of Typhus and Tuberculosis cases in Los Angeles. It’s good times for you, hypochondriacs. It’s always good to keep your mind busy during stressful times.
Oh! Here’s another bonus fun fact for you. There’s traces of fecal matter on all public seating and in most public spaces out there. Enjoy and don’t forget to rub that gel real good!
Has it ever occurred to you that other people need diapers too, that other people in your community also need to wash their hands and its a good thing if all of us as a whole have hand soap to keep ourselves clean? When exactly did that occur to you? Before or after you screeched “What are your sourcesssss!!!”
Stop fucking hoarding!
Aaaall you frightened bitches, this one’s for you, not for grandma. Aaaall of you “B-b-b-ut I’m doing this for grandma, waaa!” Nooo, you’re not doing it for grandma. Grandma is just a scapegoat and a cover up. You’re doing it for yourself. I see the miserable fear in your eyes. You’re scared that you’ll get the sniffles and you’re going to be sick for a week, and there’s some insignificant chance you might die. And you’re scared. Nevermind that you are at SOME risk with every sniffles you get but this is the special sniffles and the media and doctors instruct you to be extra special and extra scared. The boogieman is around and you are scared that he’ll get you! Keep yourself locked down and sedentary in the middle of sunshine and spring. “B-b-but it’s all in the name of stopping the sniffles!” Sure, buddy, keep telling yourself that. Now go back to whacking off, thinking about how it’s so good to be locked in. Put that toilet paper to good use!
Let me take this moment to spell out why I’m being excessively vulgar. I guess you need that spelled out for you. Because you fucking need it! You have been coddled! You’re a bunch of coddled sheltered brats used to wrapping yourself and everyone else around you in niceties and sweet soft blankies. In the meantime, you are missing out on fucking reality.
You desperately need a wake up call. Your ancestors created the good times, now you are a bunch of weaklings taking advantage of these good times, creating horrible times and a horrible future for everybody else. This has to be pointed out. You’re stunned and shocked when someone tells you to go fuck yourself because you’re way too catered to, babied, and spoiled. You NEED a little bit of that. Matter of fact, you need A LOT of that. You need toughening. You need to face the wriggling worm that you are if you want to actually be able to face real shit.
Even if you get the virus, so what, you little coward? Especially men, and especially young people, with all your hand condoms, dental dam masks, and shredded testicles, when I listen to you being all neurotic princesses because you’re gonna get the sniffles for a week, it makes me want to vomit. You’re not a man, you’re a crying bitch. Guess what? Even if you get the special flu, you’ll get the fuck over it just like the rest of the overwhelmingly vast majority of young healthy vibrant people around the world. Then you’ll get to tell everyone how you lived through scary times. We froze the entire world! Why? Because a million people had a new flu. You, the men, are allowing this to happen.
And, of course, not everyone is like that. We still have some red-blooded tough people out there, both men and women, but I live in the city. And I see your cowardly faces hiding behind the mask running 5 feet away from people like fucking retards, as if the the corona is gonna jump on you like a flea, afraid you’re gonna run out of toilet paper because you can’t whack off to your naughty step-mom. I see you and you are pathetic disgusting cowards. This is not a real crisis and you’re acting like that! I sure pray that we never get to experience a real crisis where we’re going to have to rely on your leadership and courage to save the day because if that happens, we are all fucked.
I’ve already pointed out quite clearly the government is not stepping in to protect you or care about you. It is stepping in to take more control. On that same note, the media CAN do better. It can calm people. It can save the economy and it can save the sheeple’s sanity. Unfortunately, with this perfectly groomed society that we live in, they have the power to come out and calm people down the exact same way that they have the power to control your manufactured consent. JUST like they did with the swine flu. 61 MILLION Americans got infected, and it affected everybody.
Have you noticed, behind the psychosis and feigned worry of media personalities, the gleeful smiles as they politicize THIS fucking flu. Guess what? The only thing on their minds is politics, and how this is going to affect elections and legislations. It doesn’t matter to them if it’s the swine, avian, AIDS, SARS, Zika, plague, or corona. It does not fucking matter what the sickness is. That’s it. All the talking heads and their overlords manipulate the fact that 1000 people (I know it’s not literally a thousand, you fucking moron) have the sniffles in order to cause panic, consent, and weakness. They don’t give a crap about your job, your savings, your life, your family, your future, or anything that is actually important. Newsflash! They don’t give a crap about your health! Yet you follow. In that case, you deserve it, you deserve everything that is coming to you.
Number 1: Enjoy time with your family. Go for a fucking walk, go hiking. If you are in the United States, be grateful that you are relatively free and able to go hiking and spending time with your family. I haven’t seen that many fathers playing with their children outside in years. Enjoy it! Those suckers in Europe have martial law and they are not ALLOWED to leave their house, let alone go out and enjoy some sunshine and nature, unless they have a dog that has to take a shit, in which case you have to explain yourself when asked what you are doing.
Number 2: Probably the best thing to come out of this circus is that there is currently a shortage of fentanyl and meth coming from China, and the smuggling of fentanyl and meth is being slowed down from Mexico. At least for a while. And this is awesome. According to some, wasn’t drug addiction considered a disease? 50,000 Americans die each year, year after year, from opioid overdose. What is happening now will directly lead to a huge number of people NOT dying from opioid overdose.
Number 3: Subway stations are being cleaned, which is unheard of. And we’ll probably never see this happen again in our lifetime. Enjoy it while you can, it’s not going to be long until the stench of piss, sweat, and stale rat shit creeps back up again. That one carries no infections at all, guys, trust me!
Number 4: Same goes for shopping carts, baskets, shelves, counters, etc. Grocery stores finally realized they have to clean up their space and disinfect the shopping carts. Another thing that is awesome and we’ll never see again in our lifetime.
Number 5: Starbucks and the like are disgustingly dirty and that’s on any day that ends in a Y. Maybe, just maybe, once they open, they’ll pay more attention to keeping it clean. That one might be difficult though, given they have to keep the needle-disposal boxes in place too for the same drug addicts they claim to care about so much.
Number 6: People discovered they should wash their hands after they’ve wiped their ass, which is phenomenal.
Number 7: Did you just realize it’s a good idea to clean your house? Good. Now set a schedule and try keeping it that way throughout the entire year. You don’t need the corona scare for that.
Number 8: Gun sales are up, which means, no, no, I know what you’re thinking, I’m not talking about profits as a corona panic benefit, you greedy little cunt. I’m talking about safety and self-sufficiency. Gun sales are up and they are up because a whole bunch of people who’ve never owned guns decided to get one because it finally dawned on them that shit might happen and it’s good to be prepared. Blue-state gun stores are overwhelmed by first-time gun buyers and surprise, surprise, first-time gun buyers realized that the gun control laws they were advocating for 15 minutes ago suck.
And for the morons out there who can’t figure out the main point, I don’t want people to have a terrible time or to suffer. I want people to open up their eyes, I want them to learn their lesson, to start seeing patterns and acquire the ability to connect dots. I think this corona panic is a great time for people to reassess their lives, to reassess the society they live in, their government’s intentions, and the media’s intentions. I think this is a great time for people to realize how reliant they are on people like farmers and truckers, people who work in the energy sector, people who have skills that we need. Without these people, we are FUCKED! Maybe, just maybe some people will realize that they can’t do jack shit and decide to make some changes. Like women looking over their boyfriends and wondering if he can cut a tree, start a fire, punch a dude. Maybe people will start realizing how little they can do without the grocery store and start thinking of growing their own food. I want people to realize they have to be more self-sufficient and self-reliant.
I want them to finally realize that celebrities, media personalities, athletes, and all the other shitsters who preach from the screen every day about how you should be living your life are completely and utterly useless to you.
It is a great time for people to realize that they have zero savings and are drowning in debt, that they don’t own any of the things around them and half their income goes to eating out because they can’t boil a fucking egg themselves. The VAST majority of you rely on takeout. It is cry laughable. Well, that one is probably not going to happen. You didn’t learn not to buy houses you can’t afford back in 2008, so why would you realize you shouldn’t buy everything else you can’t afford…
I hear your conversations at the store, reading instructions on labels for the first time and wondering what the toilet bowl cleaner is for. If, God forbid, a real crisis comes along, what the fuck are you going to do? Grandma (yes, the same one you are allegedly trying to save by being a pussy) survived the Great Depression because her supply chain was local and she knew how to do shit. Take this time to learn how to cook, save money, chop some wood, shoot a gun.
I want you to realize that you cannot just surrender your basic natural freedoms for a veil of supposed safety. IS FREEDOM MORE IMPORTANT THAN SAFETY? STRAIGHT UP YES, YES IT IS.
These are all the good things that might come out of this. The bad thing is, probably none of this is will happen. I see the fear, the genuine fear in the eyes of young men and women. It is pathetic, discouraging, and quite frankly, scary. The sheeple of the world are ridden with genuine unending fear of an invisible enemy that the overlord said they have to be afraid of and the overlord said he will save you from it, we just need to lock you down and not let you move. And the sheeple comply. It is for their safety. The safety of grandma. And everyone loves grandma. That’s why Italy said they will prioritize young people at the expense of old patients. Because everyone loves grandma and everyone is scared for grandma’s life, right? Pathetic losers.
Kids need to go back to school. People need to go back to work before there’s nothing to go back to. Your alledged fucking cure is worse than the problem. An economy doesn’t just press pause and go back to where it was once you press play again. The casino stock market numbers may get back up. Its numbers are horseshit anyway. But your life is not going to get back to the normal state you knew a month ago, and YOU are going to be the only one responsible for it. The virus is in your fucking head. It’s the fear that got you to willingly shutdown the economy and bring this control over you. It requires consent. THIS virus brought millions of people out of jobs, families without income, small and medium businesses out of work and laying off people, the millions of graduating or recently graduated students who are not going to find jobs. The millions of sick people put on the back burners. All of this is on you. All of this required your consent. You are not saving lives by sitting at home surrounded by stale air and no sunshine. Doctors are not making appointments until fucking May. Hospitals are deferring patients and making changes that affect a LOT MORE people and more permanently than the lung flu. Wake the fuck up. By the time this shit ends some of you will have opened your eyes to the nonsense. Some of you. Others will look back and still be like “Remember how scary it all was, waaaa!” I’ll be here mocking you until the end of time about how you fell for a fucking flu and acted like a piece of shit.
This too shall pass. Probably a couple of million will have been infected by the end of the flu season. A few boomers and their parents from the Silent Generation will die. Once we get a vaccine, it will become part of the seasonal flu, just like any other new strain that comes along. How much will you have surrendered by that time because of this? How much more scared, groomed, and ready to give up everything to achieve your controlled safe space will you have become? What are YOUR chances of finally growing a pair? If we were to guess today, close to none. A man who’s willing to get locked down at gunpoint fearing the invisible is ready to give up and do anything the barrel of the gun commands him to. A man who does that deserves neither safety, nor liberty.
Also, Spring is here. Fucking enjoy it!

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