It’s the third day of the New Year and we are already engulfed in the political climate of 2019, namely the new House and Speaker, the government shutdown, and the beginning of the 2020 presidential cycle (maybe Elizabeth Warren is still chugging a beer somewhere trying to find her 1/1024th Cherokee DNA at the bottom of the bottle.) Meanwhile, the Christmas season is officially over and I even began to see people’s Christmas trees tossed out on the sidewalks. Which made me reflect on the season’s celebrations one more time.
Years ago, the Puritans led a movement to purify Christmas of its pagan imagery. Imagery such as Santa Claus and the Christmas tree. They wanted to make Christmas celebrations focus solely and exclusively around the actual reason for Christmas, which of course is the birth of Jesus Christ. Now, I don’t support the erasure of Santa, and the Puritans did lead an unnecessarily extreme movement here, but they did have a point, maybe even a prophetic one. Right now, we have come to a time when the exact opposite of what the Puritans wanted is happening, when we celebrate a Christmas holiday, which, apart from getting a present under a glittery tree, has no meaning. The Left is taking advantage of that and it is up to us to not let this happen.
I love Santa, the reindeers, presents under the tree, putting up the stockings on the mantel, and the whole magic around Christmas, but it seems that even people who love and celebrate Christmas have forgotten and even avoid the fact that Jesus is the reason for the season. I think putting up the Christmas lights and engaging in Santa’s trip around the world is amazing, it adds to Christmas’ magic and grandeur, BUT the reality is Christmas without Jesus and the Nativity scene is no Christmas. And it is truly sad when I see people who celebrate Christmas, yet never acknowledge why they are celebrating, or even completely dismiss the true meaning of Christmas. The true meaning of Christmas is, of course, a catchphrase that has been circulating throughout the plot of every single so-called Christmas movie from the past couple decades. For all the people who love watching Home Alone every year around Christmastime, don’t forget where Kevin went, even when he was alone, on Christmas Eve. He went to church. That being said, I’m not urging you to be a Puritan sycophant. You shouldn’t erase Santa Claus, Rudolph, and the sleigh. We are not miserable Leftist losers and we shouldn’t become such.
Just know and remember what is in fact the true meaning of Christmas and how important it is to our culture. Just like we should be able to scrape off the vanilla values from the surface and never forget the true meaning and purpose of what we do every day. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas, an amazing season, and I wish all of us a happy, victorious, and prosperous New Year.

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