The Evils of the Born This Way Philosophy

Let’s talk about mental health. Last weekend, the news broke that Rick Genest, also known as Zombie Boy, passed away at the age of 32. At the time, there was no official report as to what happened and how he died. However, Lady Gaga took it to Twitter to (supposedly) shed light on the event while paying tribute to Genest, since he starred in the video for her song Born This Way. This is what she tweeted.

That didn’t go well for her, since Genest’s family and manager came forward and said his death was accidental and people jumping to conclusions, like the one that he committed suicide, wasn’t helping anyone. Which is true. People should wait for facts and hard evidence before jumping to conclusions. Especially when it comes to suicide. Statistics show that every time a celebrity commits suicide, the suicide rate among the general public rises.

This brings me to my point. With all that being said, Lady Gaga’s original tweet (now deleted) is still important. I agree with her. We SHOULD work harder, we SHOULD take mental health seriously and bring it to the forefront, and we SHOULD talk about it. The problem I have with her statement is I don’t think Lady Gaga herself believes in this. As well as others on the Left who, ironically enough, keep preaching the I Was Born This Way philosophy. We SHOULD think and talk about solutions and how to actually help people who have problems. Let’s talk about it! Anytime you’re ready!

Every time someone begins the conversation about people with mental disorders and people who have obvious mental struggles and issues, we get the same old screeching, “Leave me alone, I was born this way and you need to accept me the way I am!” Then someone actually commits suicide, and those same people who were screaming BORN THIS WAY a minute ago are now wondering what happened, why did they do it, and why did noone do anything. Well hellooo, five minutes ago we just told you let’s talk about the issue and think of a solution.

So which one is it? What does the Left want from us. Do you actually want to talk about it and find solutions and maybe give guidance to people who have obvious problems, or do you just want us to entertain the idea that this is who you are and you are just born this way and everyone should just accept you. Same goes for “We need to bring awareness and stop the stigma.” Honey, there is no stigma around people with problems. People are very much aware of mental health issues and want to talk about it. Let’s talk about it. Let’s talk about the fact that 40% of people with gender dysphoria end up committing suicide and that number doesn’t change pre-op to post-op. Let’s even talk about Rick Genest. While it turned out that he didn’t actually kill himself, it is still reported and obvious that he had some issues that he was trying to overcome. That is why after Lady Gaga spread the LITERALLY fake news about him committing suicide, noone was shocked and it sounded plausible. People didn’t think twice about the guy having mental health issues and didn’t even question his apparent suicide.

What you need to do if you really want to help people with mental struggles or straight up illnesses is you need to stop entertaining their delusions and their struggles. You need to sit them down and actually get them help. Imagine you had a relative, say your grandmother, and grandma thought that the curtains were talking to her. What would you do? You got two options. Option A is “Grandma, noone is talking to you, you need help, let’s get you help.” Option B is “Sure thing, grandma, how about I go buy you more curtains. That way, you can have more company over here!” Which one of these do you think is more cruel? I know I’m giving a rather extreme example but I’m only doing so in order for you can get the gist.

Stop with the born this way nonsense. Stop entertaining people’s delusions, problems, and illnesses. You’re not helping anyone. Get them help. Real help.

I’ll actually go there and say that Lady Gaga and that kind of mentality of the Left is part of the problem. Next time someone brings up somebody who is clearly having some mental issue, she and people like her are going to be the first ones to jump up and start screeching the same old “Leave them alone, this is who they are, they are born this way and you should just accept them for that! If you don’t, you’re a bigot who doesn’t care about them.” Then they become part of the statistic, the statistic that was not taken care of by professionals. Right after that, we’ll get the same old “We need to bring more awareness to mental health. We’re not doing enough for each other.” Honey, we ARE aware, but it seems like you and people like you are far from it.

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Why Do We Keep Devaluing Life?


I’ve been thinking a lot about the inherent value of life. In part due to events happening in my personal life and in part due to things that I see happening in our society on an everyday basis.

I am not going to focus this post on abortion but I will use it as my first point in this argument. First, I would like to admit that I used to be pro abortion (or pro-choice, whatever you wish to call it) but as I got older and learned more about life, people, and society, my views changed. I don’t care what your feelings toward abortion are, because in the context of what I am about to share, it shouldn’t matter. You simply have to be honest with yourself.

It should be pretty obvious to everyone that in order to normalize abortions, we have skewed our perception of life, human development, and existence in such a way that right now we live in a world where abortion is considered a mere procedure like the removal of a tumor, the removal of a “cluster of cells” like every third-wave feminist would describe it, the getting rid of an inconvenience, and not the ending of a human life. I’m using the word ‘normalize’ because an abortion, the intentional ending of a human life, on a metaphysical level, is simply not normal. This is a human life with its own separate DNA and a developing system from the second it is conceived. A life with its own future and its own potential. There are a number of arguments that the pro-choice lobby would love to throw at that and I would like to leave that discussion for another post. But the most important thing that I wish the readers could take away from this is that we are talking about the body and life of the newly formed human being and the value that this little human has, and that is on a whole separate level from that of the mother. I guess the question that a moderate pro-choice individual would pose is ‘When do we put value in this separate human life?’ Said pro-choice individual would say that this is how we could evaluate when it would be okay to pull the plug on the baby. If it doesn’t have value, then it’s okay to pull the plug.

I’ve heard this a lot from moderate pro-choice individuals and I think this is where things get dicey. The devaluation of innocent human life is an indicator that a healthy society is disintegrating and is heading into a bad and very unpredictable direction. You might think “Well, these things are not related. I may think a cluster of cells doesn’t have value but I sure think that a developed adult human has value and I would never devalue them.” Really? You truly think that a culture that is normalizing the getting rid of life due to inconvenience (This is the fact for the overwhelmingly vast majority of cases.) gives a whole lot of sh*t about the life of grown individuals? As the prominent Commie Marxist Leon Trotsky, also known as Stalin’s sidekick until Stalin ordered his assassination, once said “We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life.” I wanted to include a quote from Planned Parenthood’s prominent founder Margaret Sanger but there’s so many that would make you sick that looking all of them up is quite worth it.

Whether you support Planned Parenthood or not doesn’t really matter. And no matter how much Wikipedia would love to have Sanger’s description as “birth control activist” and a “nurse”, there’s plenty of evidence that Sanger was a eugenicist and a eugenics scholar and she, unlike many of today’s birth control activists, was not hiding it. Except for this time when she wrote the following “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

It is important to note that these kinds of quotes are almost exclusively reserved for and heard from individuals on the Left. That being said, this is why the issue of individual human life, and its importance and value is in my opinion actually about Left and Right ideologies.

On the same note, just like society has normalized the devaluation of a life that is at its dawn, people also devalue those lives that are waning. Time and time again, I hear people dismissing seniors and their time left among us as useless, worthless, and gone. Yes, we all age and yes, we all die. Some people are at the beginning of their lives and some don’t have much time left. But it is life nevertheless. And we should cherish it. It was given to us by our Creator, whether you want to call this creator God, Nature, Mother Nature, Science, or the Matrix. Each and every one of us was granted life and we should all try to preserve it and make the best of it until the very last drop that we have left.

I didn’t decide to write this post for the emotional value of it or to be a moral authority. Rather, I would like people to start thinking about the value of individual life, even more so about the life of individual human beings and try to adopt the mindset that “It ain’t over till it’s over,” to borrow the line from Rocky Balboa, as trivial as it might be.

I also know that some people might try to argue and ask why am I babbling all of this mantra about the value of human life, yet, I support capital punishment. After all, is that not life as well, granted by our Creator? I would say that yes, it is life and just as much as it was granted to each and every one of us, throughout our lives we make our own choices and decisions, which ultimately may lead to our own self-devaluation. The value of an innocent human being who hasn’t done any harm to anyone is not equal to that of a depraved serial murderer or rapist. It simply isn’t. Bad behavior should not be rewarded and when it comes to gruesome criminal acts, I think that capital punishment is justified.

Another argument would be that The Bible’s Ten Commandments tell us that we should not kill. How do you justify that? Pretty easy. The Bible actually says “Do not murder.” which is not the same as “Do not kill.” In Hebrew, murder and kill are two different words. Kill is used in the context of killing people who are not innocent, killing during times of war, and killing for food. The 6th Commandment clearly states “Do not murder.” which in the context of the Bible is the taking of innocent life deliberately and with predetermination. Murdering innocent people is wrong, it should not happen and is not analogous to capital punishment reserved for dangerous, heinous criminals.

The final point I would like to make is about how the importance of life pertains to the importance of the 2nd Amendment. After all, we live in times when just days ago a former Supreme Court Justice, John Stevens, said that the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms, should be repealed altogether.

I think that the value and importance of life goes hand in hand with our natural-given right to preserve and protect it. (Yes, with guns.) And we should do everything in our ability to protect it. Even if we don’t think about it consciously, we are biologically programmed to preserve and protect ourselves. That is why we have biologically ingrained instincts like the fight-or-flight response and body reflexes that we sometimes can’t even control. Even going back to my first point, an unborn baby also has these reflexes and fights for its life. During the actual act of abortion, the baby moves around in an attempt to escape the probe used to kill it. This instinct is in our DNA, it is preprogrammed in every cell of our body from the second this “cluster of cells” is conceived and said cells begin dividing and multiplying.

I don’t want this post to turn into a singular pro-2nd Amendment article but these things are intertwined and I do think that this issue is political. If the forefathers of Leftism and Communism spoke of life the way they did and did the things the way we know they did by espousing values like the common good, collectivism, kowtowing to authority and government, and not questioning government’s decisions, then what are the real thoughts and intentions of the leaders of the Left of today and why do they keep doing the same things like their predecessors? Maybe they’ve changed the tune a little bit and they don’t say the things that their heroes used to say out loud anymore, but the message is the same and the end goal is the same. They claim to be progressive, ahead of things, but are they really? They switched the word Communism to Progressivism and Liberalism in the hopes that people won’t remember or won’t recognize the symptoms of their agenda. They hope that people won’t remember why they want their guns taken from them. The Founding Fathers understood that, they understood the importance of life, its value and our inherent right to protect it from invaders or tyrants. This is the time when we should go back to the real revolutionary thought, the thought that Leftists want to stir away from, the documents that they want to rewrite and repeal. This is what America is about and this is why this country is great and what made it great.

It was true then and it is true now. And it is something that is worth conserving.

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#OscarsSoPolitical – A Night of Empty Virtue Signaling


We finally made it to the entertainment showcase of the year, the Oscars. Ugh… Even though the producers promised to avoid politics during this year’s ceremony, the show was every bit as political as you could imagine. The ratings hit a new low as everyone expected and the self-aggrandizing moral superiors were just as patronizing as they could be. After all these years of doing the same thing over and over again, you would think So what’s new? Why are we talking about this again? Here’s why.

Photo: ABC/Eddy Chen

Since Jimmy Kimmel was proclaimed by Hollywood as the moral “conscience” of America, he had to be the host and make things unbearable for everyone in that same America once again. And as the “conscience” of America, he said the most important thing of the night. On the fact that virtually noone saw this year’s nominated films, Kimmel states “That’s not the point. We don’t make films like Call Me By Your Name for money. We make them to upset Mike Pence.” This was meant as a joke and it may sound like a joke on the surface but it is actually not far from the truth. And he may not specifically mean Mike Pence. In this context, Mike Pence is the substitute for conservatives. Hollywood has consistently been shoving politically-charged, intersectional pieces like The Shape of Water down our throats. Then these very films are consistently dragged at award shows as the beauty, grace, and virtue that the world of Hollywood is, a world that unveils the evils of America. Don’t mind the fact that they made $10 at the box office collectively. Still, Hollywood claims that this is what people want to see. This has not been true in the past and is not true now. What Hollywood is doing is spewing their Leftist agenda through a series of chock full of intersectional politics movies; celebrities act as our moral betters and superiors, and assure each other that they are making the world a better place during the after-parties.

Spoilers (as if you care)! This brings me to my second point, that is the two films that have been trotted out as the big winners of the night, The Shape of Water and Call Me by Your NameThe Shape of Water is about a humanoid fish who has sex with a mute girl whose friends are a gay guy, a black woman, and a communist. Wow, just wow, the amount of intersectionality is just wow. Call Me by Your Name is about a 24-year-old man having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old boy, they end up splitting and the teen’s dad tells his son that he himself had the most beautiful and real relationship with a friend he had when he was his age. And we are wondering why noone has ever heard of these movies? I guarantee noone is going to see them even after they’ve been given these Oscars.

The Time’s Up hypocrisy is unbearable. The supposed idea of this year’s Oscars was to address the rape culture in Hollywood and be open about it. Instead, we heard a bunch of vague speeches that meant nothing, didn’t address anything, and didn’t mean anything. Ben Shapiro put it perfectly when he proposed a situation where someone, who has no idea of what is happening and what Time’s Up is, just listens to the speeches for the very first time. Would that person ever know what these people are talking about? On the contrary, he would think that whatever’s happening, Hollywood is the only place that cares about the issue. All of this culminated in a video montage about how great Hollywood and its members are and how evil straight white men are. Instead of addressing the issues that Hollywood created, they chose to demonize all men and state that everything would be better off if we had more men without penises, just like the Oscar statue, as Kimmel said. This specific part always drives me nuts. When people talk about rape culture in America, if there is one place that rape culture actually exists and has been thriving, it is Hollywood. Yet, the Hollywood elites/poodles, in an attempt to once again present themselves as the moral betters, claim that the problem is everywhere, it is rampant, and all white men everywhere are the issue. To reassure us of that, they gave an Oscar to Kobe Bryant, a guy who settled a rape lawsuit not so long ago. Ladies and gentlemen, morality at its finest!

Finally, the only watchable part of the Oscars came from Gary Oldman when he accepted his award for Best Actor for Darkest Hour. This was the moment when Hollywood once again showed us who they really are. Gary Oldman, an Englishman, proceeded to thank America for being his home for the longest time and for giving him his career and his family. He received zero claps for this. Zero. This is demonstrative of how Hollywood exactly feels toward America. The glitz and glamour may be great to see every once in a while but these people are not what America is about and they are definitely not what makes America great.

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Media Goes after Melania’s Immigration Journey Again


The Washington Post graced us with the completely unbiased headline “How Did Melania Trump Score an Einstein Visa?” and proceeded to unravel their newest narrative that Melania has somehow tricked the system and undeservingly obtained EB-1 status.


A little bit of education for those not blessed with an IQ above room temperature. You don’t HAVE to be Einstein, win an Oscar, Nobel Prize, or Olympic gold medals to hold O-1 or EB-1 immigration status. The reason why you hear about these as the celebrity or Einstein visas is that foreign celebrities are in fact holders of these specific statuses. However, they are not the framework for these visas and are definitely not the only ones holding them. O-1 and EB-1 is reserved for individuals that come from a variety of backgrounds, including business, academia, sports, music, art, etc. The difference between them and other people who want to obtain work visas is that they are supposedly already accomplished in a certain field. And in order to obtain one of these “magical” statuses, you have to provide proof of your accomplishments to the USCIS. To put it simply, you compile these accomplishments in a folder and an immigration lawyer (hopefully, a good one) writes a case and petition on your behalf. The USCIS either gives you a green light and says “Great, you’re accomplished, you can work here.”, or it doesn’t. The end.

Who’s among the holders? Athletes, professors, artists, musicians, actors, editors, business advisors, writers, models, doctors, physicists, and a whole bunch of other people. You think there is an Einstein hiding in every one of them? Hardly so. The matter is that each of these individuals has provided proof to the USCIS that they are accomplished in their field.

Just go to New York and attend one of the many gallery openings, filled with ambiguously looking purple-haired, armpit-haired contemporary artists of foreign origin and start looking for the genius in them. Breaking news! – A lot of them hold O-1 visas.

Or go to any college and seek out the professors of foreign origin and you’ll be surprised how many are either O-1 or EB-1 holders. Then ask how many of them have Nobel prizes. Hardly anyone. They’ve probably had several well-acclaimed research papers and have been on TV a couple times.

Then we have Melania. A model. Whether she is a working model or supermodel is irrelevant, even thought the Washington Post wants us to know that Melania was never a supermodel. It is equally likely for both a working model and a supermodel to hold an extraordinary ability status. It depends on how much work and accomplishments they are going to present to the USCIS. And it is very easy to come to the conclusion that Melania, who has worked as a model since her teens in several countries around Europe, had enough material to provide and get approved. It is interesting how suddenly the Left became very concerned with lawful and strict following of the immigration laws, yet somehow illegal immigrants and DACA recipients are not subject to these same laws and everything that pertains to them abiding by the law is deemed racist and bigoted. Apparently, the same doesn’t apply to Melania, a legal immigrant who followed the law.

So what is The Washington Post’s problem? Their problem is that they have to create one and look for one at every step of the way when it comes to President Trump and everyone that is in some way related to him. The mainstream media have to incessantly fill your mind with the possibility of treason and fraud revolving around Trump, so that you never even for a minute stop thinking that Trump is not a legitimate President and that everything is going to Hell. If that’s the way things are going to be, fine, but the question is – Do these rules apply to everyone? When you are claiming to be an objective news source, your rules have to apply to all the players. If that is not the case, then you are lying to your audience about your intentions and you would have to reveal what you bias is. Of course, they are never going to do this. You would never see an article attacking Michelle Obama and the mystery around her law license, or the legitimacy of Elizabeth Warren’s Native-American heritage the way you see Melania Trump being attacked about virtually everything that pertains to her existence. The reason why we are calling these sources Fake News is not necessarily because of the fakeness, but because of the outrages that do not mean anything and because of the lies and manipulations that are cloaking their bias (even though sometimes it is clear fake news). If you want to be respected, you would have to either uncover your bias and be honest about it, or the rules should apply to everyone. Don’t hold your breath to see either one of these from the mainstream.

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Disclaimer: The featured image in this post is considered public domain and has been cleared for release. Featured image by: Staff Sgt. Marianique Santos

When Did Liking America Become Synonymous to ‘Brainwashed’?


In 2017, I had two experiences that keep bothering me. These days, the idea that you like or, dare I say, love America has become so controversial and so ineffable that It’s getting ridiculous. I’ll recount my experiences and then I’ll provide my point of confusion.

Last year, at dinner, a relative’s girlfriend asked me why I love America so much and what is there to love about it. I don’t remember my exact answer but it was something along the lines of the fact that America is the greatest, strongest, and most powerful good force in the world. Her answer, however, I do remember. She looked at me bewildered and sneering at my response and said “ Well, don’t you think that the way you’re thinking is the result of you being brainwashed?” Very taken aback, I responded with something along the lines of “I can think and see things for myself. I don’t need someone to brainwash me in order for me to form an opinion as to why I love or hate something.” She kept pushing “Don’t you think you are forming these opinions because you are brainwashed?” My answer would be the same, I can form my own opinions, but at that point, I knew it wasn’t worthwhile having this conversation.

The second anecdote occurred during an overseas flight and I happened to sit next to a US Navy guy. Frankly, I was excited. I am very pro military, I read military books, I listen to Jocko Willink’s podcast and am the proud owner of “Extreme Ownership” and “Discipline Equals Freedom”, and I look at the Navy Seals as people who are worthy of being role models, so I thought “Cool, small talk during an 8 hour flight is not going to be super boring after all.” Boring, it was not. But disappointing, it was indeed. After talking a little about the Navy (it was the day after the Navy’s 242nd birthday), the guy was confused as to why I was so pro military and so supportive of America’s initiatives. Again, I said “Because I think America is the greatest country in the world.” Simple. His answer? “Is that what you were being told and how you’re being brainwashed?” My answer was pretty much the same as the one that I gave my relative’s girlfriend “I can think for myself. I can see for myself. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to think. I’ve come to this conclusion after years of experiences, travel, and knowledge that I’ve acquired.” The guy added that he joined the military primarily to travel and be away from the United States. I may not agree with the guy but fair enough. Everyone can do and think whatever they want. At that point, the conversation was pretty much over.

Why am I sharing these two anecdotes? Because I wanted to pose this question. Why is it so difficult for some people to comprehend that forming such an opinion, like thinking that the United States is the best country in the world, is a result of personal observation, personal analysis, and personal experiences? Why can’t these people ask questions like “What makes you think that? What are these observations? How did you form this opinion?” Then, we could have a conversation. I can tell you what I think and why I think that and you can tell me what your counter-argument is. Instead, there’s this urge to make a snarky comment, or ask a sneering question like “Oh, wow, is that what brainwashing looks like?” Are you genuinely asking a question, or are you just asking something in order to feel snarky and superior with a supposedly witty response?

And why would my opinion constitute as brainwashing. It would be brainwashing if it wasn’t true, the way they are doing it in North Korea, where you have a population, completely deprived of information from the outside world, completely deprived of information about the real state of the country itself. The supreme leader rising from the podium and repeating a slogan “We are the greatest!” and you not having another option but repeating that until your mouth bleeds, now that would be brainwashing. But looking at America, looking at America’s economy, at the military, at the Founding, at the Constitution, as well as the fact that America is the most charitable country in the world, providing for the largest amount of aid to foreign countries, yeah, I think America is pretty great, compared to the rest of the world. And with this amount of winning, I hope this fact never changes.

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The Dancing Poodles Bark, I Mean Strike, Back — The Failure of the Entertainment Industry


So last night were the Grammy awards. Ugh… You know, back in the back of the back of the day, I used to like awards shows, that is back in my teens when I had nothing better to do and didn’t really have a realistic view on life and how the real world works. Looking back at it, yes it was entertainment, but my God, what a freaking waste of time it was. Maybe I grew up and developed a healthy worldview, maybe things changed, or maybe it’s a good mixture of both.

Looking back, things haven’t really changed that much, they have simply escalated and become more obvious. They have changed in a sense that the moral preening and patronizing of celebrities and the politically charged acts has quadrupled over time. It does keep getting worse but realistically speaking, celebrities have always been the unsatisfied attention and affirmation seeking dancing poodles on antidepressants that they are now. I’ll leave my comments on the unhealthy culture of Hollywood for a later post, but now, let’s talk about last night and my inability to call these individuals anything but dancing poodles. And believe me, I love poodles, I love dogs, and I love the Circus Arts. I think it’s entertaining, it requires skill and discipline, and that’s admirable. But at the end of the day, it’s just that. It’s entertainment. It is a bunch of well-paid, well-groomed, well-fed, dancing poodles that are supposed to be there to make us laugh, to make us forget about the hardships of life, and yes, the confusion of politics. What we saw last night was not entertainment, it was just a never-ending barking, growling, and screeching fest and that makes it unwatchable, unlikeable, and at the end unprofitable.

Let’s try to remember, and hopefully the trainers and masters (aka the producers, directors, and media overlords) are also going to remember that they are in the business of making a profit, and if you want to make a profit out of something, you have to pay attention to what the market wants. And every year, the poodles keep barking and barking and barking…and the numbers are in. Even if you don’t want to believe me, you have to believe the numbers. This year’s ratings from last night’s Grammys, as reported by Deadline, are at an all-time low, drawing 24% less viewers than last year’s show and that one wasn’t a hit either. Last night, around 19.8 million sets of eyes were watching. For the record, the current population of the United States by official records is around 326 million people, with presumably about 11 million illegal aliens also present in the country. In other words, there’s enough sets of eyes within our borders and very few tuned in last night. In a way, I’m grateful that more and more people are waking up and refusing to subject themselves to this bastion of propaganda, but at the same time, are these people in the business of doing reasonable business at all?

The overwhelmingly vast majority of people don’t want to turn on the television at the end of the day and listen to the moral preening of Jay-Z, a man who shot his own brother, sold crack, sold women, and stabbed a record executive. And we are supposed to look up to him, praise him and call him a royalty? Jay-Z is just an example, since last night we heard the everlasting slogan “Jay-Z for president!” over and over again. But you get my point. The market is not looking for that, it just isn’t working. Trump is your president, get over it. America is not the members of Hollywood. America is comprised of all the people of the 50 states, all of them, and these people chose their President. Breaking News! — It is not up to Hollywood to choose the President, it is up to all the People in every single state.

At the end of the day, these shows are meant for the celebrities themselves. They sit together in their echo-chamber, they give each other awards that noone cares about but they themselves, and they reiterate their own confirmation bias, surrounded by a safe space of like-minded poodles, completely deprived of the realities of the world, patting themselves on the back in an affirmation that they are good people.

Until you clean up your act and start giving the viewers what they want and stop politicizing every single aspect of the entertainment industry, you are not going to become the main circus act, you are simply going to remain the little dancing poodle act, and a bad one at that.

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“Of Cooooourse” — The Fall of the Young Turd Cenk Uygur


I know I’m late on this one, but I can’t stop laughing every time I see this clown pop up online. And with the biased algorithms of tech companies like Google, this happens a lot…

Toward the end of 2017, Cenk Uygur from The Young Turks was in for a treat. The big-boned host’s long-lost personal blog was excavated from the depths of the web and published for all of us to enjoy and pick into this genius’s braindead cells. Ok, I’ll stop with the sarcastic insults here because this is actually important.

Once the blog came out, the whole world seemed to be shocked and appalled by the sexist and inappropriate language that Uygur used, along with the fact that 90% of his posts revolve around his sexual escapades, out-of-this-world insatiable libido, and keeping track of how many boobs he’s grabbed in one night. When I personally read that, I laughed and didn’t pay that much attention to these parts. A guy talking about women and sex is not really breaking news to anyone. Is it respectable talk? No. Is it virtuous? No. Is it something worthy of emulating? No. But again, it’s not breaking news either.

What really bothered me, as I was reading his posts, was something that no-one seemed to mention, notice, or care about. That is his overall treatment of human beings, his comments about senior citizens, and his self-absorption and disregard for others in general. Reading his blog, I was left with the impression that this is not a particularly good guy at heart. Forget about the sex talk for a moment and take a look at his behavior.

For example, in his Why are Old People Such Assholes? post he notes that an elderly woman who wanted to take her granddaughter to a Mardi Gras celebration to eat marshmallows is an “old bitch” because she doesn’t appreciate the sex orgies of New Orleans. To put it in his own words “Screw the old bastards. If they want to roll over and die, let them.” He poses intriguing and deep questions directed at the woman, such as “Do you remember the first time somebody ever ate you out?” then followed by his assumption “Maybe not, because it is possible nobody has ever eaten you out (that’s a problem that is not likely to be remedied at this stage).” This, ladies and gentlemen, is one of the leading progressive thinkers of the Left, this is the voice of Bernie Sanders in the online media, this is the supposedly Good Samaritan in the fight against the evil conservative block. He will save you, he is and will be the light of progress and free stuff. I know the guy apologized for his blog posts and his comments, he said he was young, he was stupid, he has changed and so on and so forth, but still, this train of thought of the 33 year-old not-so-young Cenk makes you wonder what kind of a human being is he at the core. The frail age of 33 is in fact not so frail after all. He wasn’t 15, or 18, or even 23; he was 33. He was a fully developed grown man with life experiences and enough time to develop a foundational worldview that would lead him to eventually become the progressive Messiah and perpetual Bernie lapel pin that he is now.

In his article Girls Who You Hate, but Really Want to Do he talks about his ineffable aggression and sexual attraction towards the actress Calista Flockhart. “God, I can’t stand her little mannerisms. She is so fucking annoying. If she does that wide-eyed look of shock one more time, I am going to lose my mind and clock her. But before I do all that, I’d like to make love to her.” He ends the article with “As absurd as this is, I am sure that 95% of guys know exactly what I am talking about.” which is the part I find even more disturbing. Cenk has very skewed ideas and expectations of other people, which is something to expect from a Leftist. They like to consider other people as mirror images of themselves. They can’t comprehend that there are good people out there, there are honorable people, that there is a whole diverse group of minds and beliefs out there. Instead, when they look outside, they look for the mirror. They see greedy capitalists, immoral people, stealing individuals, when in reality they are just looking at and for a reflection of themselves. Here, Cenk assures us that 95 out of every 100 guys love to fck and then clock a btch.

The assumption that everyone is just like him is a perpetual presence in his posts. Here’s his position on having sex with somebody below you in rank/position at an institution, which I think, as an issue by itself, is very appropriate, considering the current Time’s Up/#MeToo movements. The post is called April 26 and in it, Cenk shares his bewilderedness as to why the Air Force would potentially bring up charges against a Captain for fraternizing with a military member who served below him. Cenk seems so shocked and dismayed at this possibility that he sums it up with this quote, which again shows a lot of his character and showcases his assumption and sought after self-confirmation that everyone thinks and acts the same way he does. “All he did was bang some chick out. Yeah, he used his position of power — don’t we all, in some way. I tell girls all the time about my cool job at a TV station in hopes that will trick them into sleeping with me.” I’ll let you be the judge.

I don’t have enough time to point out all of the troubling snippets derived from Cenk’s mind in these blog posts, since there’s plenty of them to navigate through. I’m sure you can do so by yourself. What I would urge you to do is judge the character of the writer, not the lingo. Of course, there is the degrading tone, in which he talks about women, but among these there’s also his ego talking, his larger-than-life self-absorption and narcissism. As a quick example, in Rules for Dating, the blog post the media kept reporting about, for “Rule 2: There must be orgasm by the fifth date.”, Cenk considered it worth adding a comment to the rule “ If you haven’t delivered by now, you’re done.” Let’s remind ourselves that this was written by the then 32 year-old Cenk Uygur, current progressive champion for women’s rights, equality, and whatever he considers dignity.

These days, Cenk is facing another controversy involving a former employee, who claims that he was treated “differently” at The Young Turks because he is black. We’ll see how that case goes, but until then, Cenk, you should try to live up to your own book of rules. Also, easy on the bacon grease.

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How Germany’s Bauhaus Destroyed Beauty, Architecture, and Design


To use the popular leftist hashtag, #notall things that come from Germany are bad, but you can count that if it originates from Germany, there is a very high chance that it’s going to suck and it’s going to be destructive in some way. That is why I wanted to talk about Bauhaus.

In addition to being home to a number of leftists and mass murderers, Germany also gave birth to many other atrocious things, such as Bauhaus.

In short, Bauhaus was an art school that operated from 1919 until 1933 in Germany and was famous for its design, typography, and cultural modernism, which the school introduced in European architecture and subsequently spread like a virus around the world. A virus so ugly and gross, whenever you think of it, the only imagery that comes to mind is a medical museum’s showcase of STD infections. Just like STDs, they publicized and spread the disease that is their design and style around the world but I’ll get to that later.


The Palace of Versailles (Image source: Pixabay)

When Americans think of Europe, more often than not, we think of the gracious and beautiful historical architecture, design, and intricacy of Paris, Rome, London, and even Berlin. Hey, at some point, Germany DID produce some things that were not completely atrocious! Back to the point, Americans think of the Louvre and Versailles, of the beautiful Viennese ballrooms and the Vatican, of the Buckingham palace and the fountains across Italy. Overall, we think of the beauty that Europe has created in terms of art and architecture throughout the centuries. This beauty and style was even brought here to America. You just have to take a look at some of the buildings in Old City Philadelphia or Boston and you will see an intricate amount of classical architecture mixed in with the classical American colonial style. You can look at the mansions in Newport, RI for more proof. Or Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. Or you can look at magnificent buildings in New York City like City Hall. Speaking of City Hall, how about Philadelphia’s City Hall, one of the most beautiful City Hall buildings in the world! But I’m going off on a tangent. My point was that Europe has a long-standing history of beauty, style, art, and architecture, and all of that was also brought to America.

And then … we got Bauhaus, the granddaddy of modern and post-modern European architecture. Boy, oh boy, did they create some eyesores! If this picture of a Bauhaus building reminds you of an asylum, I wouldn’t blame you. Just walk around cities in the former European Communist bloc and people will show you the kindergardens, hospitals, police departments, and other buildings constructed during the lovely socialist era, and they will inevitably look exactly like this basket case.


Bauhaus building in Dessau, Germany (Image source: Wikipedia)

The school of Bauhaus created the modern soulless apartment building architecture, the angular-shaped cubicle-type design of airports, hospitals, movie theaters, and other buildings from the modernist era. And the typography. Yes, the infamous Bauhaus typography that every member of the Eastern Communist bloc in Europe knows so very well.


Bauhaus Typography (Image source: Wikipedia)

You can still see this typography (in a deteriorating state) adorning some of the older buildings across Eastern Europe. If you’ve traveled to that part of the world, or you happen to live there, you know exactly what I’m talking about. And all of it is so soulless, so ugly, so despotically uniform, so reminiscent of the uselessness of Kazimir Malevich’s “iconic” Black Square (which happens to be an artistic eyesore from around the same time period). For the record, this is a picture of the Black Square. Yes, it is just a black square, and it’s “iconic”.


“Black Square”, painting by Kazimir Malevich, 1915 (Image source: Wikipedia)

Speaking of Russia, historians are comparing Bauhaus’ style to that of the Russian Vkhutemas school. And they are right. Both are equally egregious, ugly, and leftist. Why leftist? Because when was the last time you met a leftist who likes something that stands out, or even likes the idea itself of something standing out? No, no, no, leftists like universality, universal income, universal wealth, universal looks, universal ugliness and misery, which they will manipulatively paint with the brush that would manipulatively bear the name “equality”. Same goes for architecture. With leftists you get the same universal, cubicle-like bloc of concrete and angular-shaped, unaesthetic, non-symmetrical monuments. You can still see these monuments as remnants of that era in Europe, but unfortunately you can see them across America as well.

Have you walked around a college campus looking at the class gifts around the school’s property lately? You’ll get an array of monuments. You’ll see the old monuments, beautiful marble statues, maybe of George Washington or the patron of the school, paintings and reliefs from the American Revolution, the Civil War, or a historic athletic championship victory. And all of a sudden some hideous deformity would peak here and there and you would wonder which so-called artistic mind has the pleasure to torture our senses. Perhaps, the monument would resemble this Bauhaus founder’s brainchild.


Expressionist Monument to the March Dead by Walter Gropius (Image source: Wikipedia)

You would read the title of the piece and it would say something vague and obscure like “Fight for Light” or “Chain of Knowledge”. You wouldn’t want to say it out loud, but you know it’s a piece of sht. Actually, it’s not a piece of sht, because you can at least use sh*t as fertilizer. It’s a piece of nothing. It’s a waste of space. It’s a waste of time. It’s a lie. For that you can thank the masterminds at schools like Bauhaus and Vkhutemas. Because these artists and architects, deprived of talent and a feeling for aesthetics, deprived of understanding how important these things are for a healthy society, and sore by the fact that having something stand out as beautiful means in some way inequality of outcome and inequality of ability, wanting everything to be equally hideous and disgusting, created these modernist and now post-modernist schools to make themselves feel better. Good job! Now, because of your untalented sore asses, generations of people are forced to live with, around, and in these deformities.

While we are still on the subject of Russia, I wanted to very quickly point something out and give you a visual and obvious example of what I mean when I say that these schools of thought and design destroyed the objective truth of beauty and talent. The first photo is of the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, an old beautiful building that bears a classical Russian aesthetic and feel.


Tretyakov Gallery (Image source:

Now this one is the so-called New Tretyakov Gallery that houses 20th century modern art. The visual speaks for itself. Who’s the person who is going to say that the first is not more aesthetically pleasing than the second, that the first doesn’t create a sense of dignity and would make people feel much better living around it than the second one? Oh, I know who! A leftist! The fact is that the building here is pure ugliness through and through.


New Tretyakov Gallery (Image source: Wikipedia)

Back to Bauhaus, because these may be different countries and supposedly different schools but they aren’t so different after all. These schools of design are all disseminating the same empty style, cold and uniform, minimalistic and uninspiring. This is what Bauhaus and the likes helped create. And as I said earlier, their influence spread like a disease. It spread through Europe and its emerging leftist countries, including Germany, Italy, Great Britain, France, the entire Eastern bloc, and eventually the United States.

In addition to art and architecture, Bauhaus had a severe impact on interior design. They brought minimalism, and lack of creativity and imagination to a whole new level of nothing. Their style was and still is basically IKEA on steroids. Cheap materials, not built to last, and an overall feel of an untalented loser’s participation trophy.

The following is a picture of Bauhaus’ cafeteria. If it reminds you of IKEA’s meatball cafeteria, it is because it looks exactly like IKEA’s meatball cafeteria. Now imagine all the students eating here, looking around for inspiration to create interior design that is going to clock the world right in the face.


Bauhaus Cafeteria (Image source: Wikipedia)

While on the amenities of the Bauhaus school, here’s an inspirational picture of one of the dorm buildings.


Bauhaus dorm (Image source: Wikipedia)

Beautiful, isn’t it? Almost like a Swedish prison. Let’s contrast that to one of University of Pennsylvania’s dorms built in the 19th century.


The Quadrangle, University of Pennsylvania (Image source: Wikipedia)

Isn’t it pretty obvious which one is more aesthetically pleasing and creatively designed? Or it depends? I think we are being presented with another conundrum of the objective truth here.

InfoWars’ Paul Joseph Watson did a great video a while back on the topic, titled “Why Modern Architecture Sucks” and while the video doesn’t talk about Bauhaus, I think it’s worth checking out because it provides a great point on the difference between objective beauty and the deformity we call modern architecture today.

Now if you want to contradict me and say that I am only showing the buildings and the architecture that the rich of the past have created on the backs of the poor, I’ll tell you that you don’t actually want to understand my point. These schools brought us to a state where we are content with living in a plywood cube furnished with half-ass junk from IKEA, or a tower called an apartment building made of who knows what, unable to escape if there’s a fire, living like we are in an ant farm and again, furnished with half-ass junk from IKEA. What I’m saying is it is not about the price of the building, it is about the way it looks, what it’s made of, the feeling that it permeates in society and the way it affects us as we live inside these ugly deformities.

To finish off, I’d like to shed some light on the latest hideous architectural masterpiece that is soon going to adorn the American skyline — the Barack Obama Presidential Library.


Barack Obama Presidential Library (Image source: Chicago Tribune)

My God! If you haven’t seen other Presidential Libraries, I sincerely urge you to do so, because it will bring this atrocity into perspective. Former President Obama claims that this design represents four hands or palms joined together to represent unity. My initial thought was that it looks like a Chinese take-out box. Then I heard Ben Shapiro compare it to a Chinese take-out box. Then some other people said it looks like a Chinese take-out box. I think we can all concede on that. Congratulations, America, we’ve come a long way, all the way to a Chinese take-out box. But I assure you of one thing. This building is not going to stop looking like a Chinese take-out box as much as you would love to call it beautiful, and the post-modern college campus class gift monument is not going to stop looking like a deformed disease as much as you would love to call it art, and Malevich’s painting is never going to be anything more than just a black square as much as you would love to attribute a profound meaning to it. Thanks, Bauhaus!

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“Hail North Korea!” The Media’s Love Story with a Murderous Marxist Regime


The opening ceremony of the winter Olympics took place over the weekend and this year’s events are being held in Pyeongchang, South Korea.

A normal person would say that this would be a great time for the media to point out the discrepancy between South Korea, a developed free country with a booming economy and North Korea, a murderous Marxist sh*thole, to borrow the term from President Trump. None of that happened. Instead, the media, devoured by their hatred for President Trump and suffering from an advanced stage of Trump Derangement Syndrome, chose to flood us with headlines and articles of praise for Kim Jong Un’s little sister, who was sent to Pyeongchang to head the North Korean Olympics delegation. The reason? She is there. And she is smiling. The end. That is enough for CNN, The New York Times, Washington Post, Reuters, Politico, and basically every major media outlet with the exception of Fox News, to conclude that North Korea won the charm and diplomacy Olympics, to praise the Marxist ruling member for her class and grace, and to criticize Vice President Mike Pence for sabotaging her by not being nice enough to smile at her.

The media’s new hero is Kim Yo Jong, the 30-year-old little sister of Little Rocket Man Kim Jong Un. She is the Director of the Department of Propaganda and Agitation in North Korea, a country that still operates gulags and whose regime has led to the death of millions of people due to starvation.

Now let’s dive into the riveting headlines that swarmed us during the weekend.


The following is an excerpt from this lovely article by the Communist News Network.

Experts say her visit for the Winter Games is calculated to answer the expected presence of Ivanka Trump at the closing ceremonies.

“Kim Yo Jong is the perfect counterpart to this,” Hwang said. “And it also is a signal that North Korea is not this crazy, weird former Cold War statebut it too has young women that are capable and are the future leadership.”


Sure, I guess if my family was kept at gunpoint back home in case I made the wrong move, I probably wouldn’t miss a step either.


Politico’s tweet is ferociously inappropriate, criticizing Fred Warmbier, the father of Otto Warmbier who was jailed in North Korea (allegedly for attempting to steal a poster from the hotel he was staying at; no proof was ever provided for the conviction) and beaten to death over the course of a year and a half only to die several days after arriving back to the United States in a comatose state. But how dare this young man’s father criticize their gushing over the dictator’s little sister!


The most asinine headline and article came from the Washington (Com)Post, titled “’The Ivanka Trump of North Korea’ captivates people in the South at the Olympics.” The article went on to adorn the ‘political princess’ as they call her with accolades and gushed over her modesty and plain outfit. Last time I checked, Ivanka Trump didn’t own slaves, didn’t send her opponents to death camps, and didn’t throw her uncle in a cage to be eaten by 120 starved dogs.

At least one reporter, MSNBC’s Willie Geist, managed to sound reasonable amidst the stampede of excitement coming from his colleagues.


The media’s reaction to the North Korean dictator’s sister is astounding. Just when we thought that their “reporting” couldn’t be outdone, they say “Hold my beer.” and let us behold at their derangement syndrome. North Korea is a murderous Marxist sh*thole, there is nothing good about North Korea or its regime. Can you imagine what these headlines mean for North Korea within the country itself? The normalizing and glamorizing of a regime that has effectively enslaved some 25 million people is atrocious, it is morally wrong, and it is evil. But there you have it, the mainstream media instead keeps going at VP Mike Pence for not standing for North Korea’s national anthem! Ok, let’s put this one into perspective. According to the mainstream media, kneeling and siting for America’s national anthem in support for our troops — “Good, we support that, the best thing in the world, free speech, yay, how dare you criticize them for not standing, racist!”However, sitting during the national anthem of a country whose leadership feeds people to dogs — “Unacceptable, how dare you, you are sabotaging diplomacy, how insensitive, racist dictator!”

Absolutely egregious. Words can’t describe how appalled I am. I don’t know how anyone reading these articles could wholeheartedly look at that and conclude that the state of the media hasn’t reached a level of atrociousness and Marxist behavior that is beyond repair. Keep your eyes open and don’t fall for the trap!

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Are You an Individualist or a Collectivist? Democrats and the “Liberal” Lie

By Daily Viper / February 28, 2018

These people are not Liberals. We should call them by their real name, Leftist Collectivist Communists. And they are evil.

For a while now, I haven’t called Democrats liberals because lets face the facts. These people are not liberal in the actual sense of the word LIBERAL. They are not classical liberals. They don’t espouse the principles of liberty, individuality, and personal freedom. They don’t want to leave you alone to simply live your life. They are not liberal. What these people, the Democrats in America, and whatever the European Union is in Europe, are doing with the word “liberal” is they are using it as a shield, they are playing psy ops with people’s emotions, and boy, we know they rely on emotions. They rely on the positive perception that the word “liberal” bears with it. Just like they rewrote the history to convince people that fascism and Nazism are right-wing ideologies, they are trying to convince everybody that the values they espouse and their agenda is a liberal agenda.

What they are is they are leftists? They espouse collectivism. They espouse communism. They espouse socialism. They espouse fascism, which by the way is the literal translation for the term collectivism in Italian. Let’s repeat that. They are collectivists! They don’t believe in individualism. They don’t believe in the value of individual liberty, individual human life, individual choice, individual prosperity and success, individual happiness. They believe in the collective, in social justice, not individual justice. They don’t believe in personal property. They believe that the collective is more important than the individual in that collective. Just like Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, Castro, Chavez, the list of mass murderers and mass murder enablers aka philosophers who’ve never held a real job in their lives, goes on and on. They want to usurp your individual freedom and individual choice for a utopian social good. Never mind that you are forced to shut your business as a result of that or in the case of Stalin you dare to save some of your food production to sell. It is all happening for a higher, brighter good. Now go back to the gulag, you filthy capitalist evil pig!

The aforementioned reads as a rant, because it is. These people are hiding behind a mask, behind a shield, and they rely on your naivete, on your ignorance, and on your inability to find the time in your daily life to think about these two political philosophies and decide which one you agree with. They rely on you not reading between the lines and not looking into the underlying ideology that their “liberalism” is carrying. They rely exactly on people’s selfishness. They keep repeating the word liberal, the word progressive and your instinctive reaction is “Good!” But what it’s all about is Individualism versus Collectivism. Remember that and ask yourself — Am I an individualist or a collectivist? And no, individualism does not equate to selfishness. Individualism cherishes the small community, the nuclear community that is your family, the people that live around you, the ability to gather with these people and decide what is best for you, your kids, and your surroundings, your voluntary charitable donation, not the collection of 50% of your salary at gunpoint in order to contribute to a welfare state. This is individualism. This is conservatism. Conservatism seeks to conserve the values and principles of the constitution, of the successes of our culture, and the liberty of the individual.

Just ask yourself. Are you an individualist or a collectivist?

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